Solihull Arts Complex

Light 52 Photography: Intermediate Level

Light 52 Photography: Intermediate Level

Intermediate level photography course, run by Richard Pearce.

Light 52 is a popular 10 week photography course run by Richard Pearce, a photography lecturer. This course is Intermediate level

The workshops are aimed primarliy at non-professional digital SLR users, but are suitable for compact and film camera enthusiasts.  The sessions are a mix of instruction, hints and tips, practical exercises, picture reviewing and assignments.  Progression to each level is optional - here are basic contents:

Intermediate Level

Explores different types of photography with new trials and challenges. Topics include nature and wildlife, landscape, urban, still life, portraits, close up, light trails and panning.

The course runs every Thursday starting 16 January. There is no class during February half term week.

Please note this course is for amateur photographers.


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