Join Anya Small, our fabulous singing tutor who teaches Pop Voices choirs across the Midlands, for a morning of singing fun.
You'll learn songs from the hit musical film The Greatest Showman, whilst learning how to sing and use your voice, and making some friends along the way!
Amaze the grown-ups at the end of the morning as you perform a song from The Greatest Showman with the group. Parents will be advised on the day what time to return, to collect their child and listen to the performance. This will usually be about 20 minutes before the end of the session.
Download the Summer Solidays leaflet to see our full summer programme.
Please fill in the registration form below, and email it back to thecoretheatre@solihull.gov.uk or print and bring it with you on the day.
Suitable for ages 7-13 years
Running Time: 10am - 1pm (3 hours)
Price per child: £15
Thurs 20 Feb
Creative arts tuition with working artists from Art at the Heart CIC
Every Tuesday
Piano classes for little ones
Every Monday
A fun toddler dance class for little dancers aged 2-4 years, and their grown ups.
Every Monday
A fun baby dance class class for little ones aged 0-2 years, and their grown ups.
Thurs 16 Jan - Thurs 10 Apr
Join The Core Youth Theatre, an exciting new youth theatre group designed for ag...
Thurs 16 Jan - Thurs 10 Apr
Join The Core Youth Theatre, an exciting new youth theatre group designed for ag...